Day 1: Sarajevo Airport – Transfer to Sarajevo (Bosnia & Herzegovina) (6km – 20min)
Meet and greet the group at Sarajevo International Airport. Transfer to the hotel only 15min.(Please let us know your flight details in order to organize the first and the last day)Sarajevo, capital and cultural center of Bosnia and Herzegovina is one of the most oriental and culturally diverse cities in Europe, and had spent over 300 years under Turkish rule until the Austro-Hungarians arrived in the late nineteenth century. The empire collapsed 50 years later when Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated here, hastening the outbreak of the First World War. The late twentieth century saw Sarajevo host the Winter Olympics in 1984, and the most important event is the long siege of the city during the recent conflict. Panoramic walk to see the best of Sarajevo, we’re first going through all the sights of the city’s Ottoman Old Town. From there, it’s about digging into Sarajevo’s tragic history, but also finding the city’s most curious and beautiful spots along the way. Dating from the Middle Ages, the streets of this marketplace have long been a place for craftsmen to trade their wares. You’ll find stores selling metalwork, jewelry, and clothes, among the restaurants and cafes that also call the bazaar home. Perhaps the most impressive landmark found within Sarajevo’s Old Town is the Gazi Husrev-beg Mosque, built in 1532. Off along the outside of the Bezistan Covered Market, you’ll find the open air ruins of the Tašlihan, an Ottoman caravanserai from the 16th century, although only foundations of the building now remain. However, the spot that most travelers to Sarajevo make sure they visit is the Latin Bridge, where the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated in 1914, starting the events that would spark the First World War.
Dinner and overnight in Sarajevo
Day 2: Sarajevo
Today we’ll learn more about the war of Sarajevo. A journey into the tunnel of Sarajevo, a 700 meter underground track which, for the inhabitants of the Bosnian capital, meant the difference between life and death. For the people of Sarajevo “the tunnel” is the symbol of courage and survival. For the Serbs of Bosnia Herzegovina it's the place where Serbs were killed and tortured. The museum displays weaponry and ephemera from the war and allows us to explore a short distance into the tunnel. The war may be over, but the Sarajevo War Tunnel Museum makes sure that no one will forget the unstoppable determination and resourcefulness of Sarajevo’s citizens. Free afternoon in Sarajevo
Dinner and overnight in Sarajevo
Day 03: Sarajevo – Mostar – Split (Croatia) (275km – 5h30min)
Today after breakfast, our drive to Mostar, passing along the Neretva River will be just stunning. Lots of sights to see and places to stop. The road snakes through a few tunnels and along very picturesque gorges. Little villages dot the way and there are quite a few places to stop for refreshments. Once in the town, take some time to explore, perhaps admiring the famous arched bridge and visiting the Old Bazaar alongside historical mosques and the Turkish House. Mostar has a charm like nowhere else. It's a very compact little town and the Mostar Bridge is the main attraction, listed under UNESCO Heritage, but it has that something special that can't be listed in 'attractions' or 'sights'. It is great to have some free time to just stroll around, do some shopping, and watch the bridge jumpers. After traditional lunch in a local restaurant, continue our drive approximately for 3.5hrs to Split
Dinner and overnight in Split
Day 04: Split – Plitvice National Park (250km – 3h30min)
After breakfast, we start the visit of one of the Adriatic's most vibrant port cities, stunningly located between mountains and seaThe story of amazing Split dates back to ancient Roman times. Split most famous feature is its Diocletian’s Palace consider to be most spectacular. Built towards the end of the 3rd century AD, is the most significant Roman site in Croatia. Originally created for the Emperor, the old city of Split was constructed for his retirement. The inner workings of the old city are intricate — filled with narrow cobblestone streets and high arches — and despite their age, are well intact. The hyper-center of the old town is Peristil Square, which was originally used for celebrations to honor Diocletian as the living son of Jupiter. Historical Complex of Split with the Palace of Diocletian are listed under UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Wander around by your own until our departure to Plitvice National Park.
Dinner and overnight in Plitvice
Day 05: Plitvice National Park – Zagreb (150km – 2h30min)
After breakfast, we start the walking and a boat tour and through unique harmony of natural beauty of Plitvice National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Croatia. Embraced by high wooded mountains, one beneath another lie sixteen beautiful lakes of crystal blue-green water. Connected to each other by a series of foaming cascades and thundering waterfalls, the lakes are fed by many rivers and streams, resembling a pearl, all embraced in a magic greenery of the forests and meadows. Over the millennia, waters of these lakes have dissolved the limestone rock and carved out the valley in which they now lie. Each of the four seasons has its own little story of different colors, sounds, patter of the waterfalls, odors and quietness - life in a word. After a delicious lunch, we’ll drive to Zagreb for 2 hours.
Dinner and overnight in Zagreb
Day 06: Zagreb
Zagreb has grown out of the two mediaeval settlements, Kaptol and Gradec that for centuries developed on neighboring hills. The 20th century brought the Secession style to its public buildings, parks and fountains, emanating the lofty spirit of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Take a stroll through its Tkalčićeva Street with numerous galleries; visit its colorful open-air market, coffee houses, fine restaurants and parks…The highlights of the sightseeing tour will include the fortified, mediaeval Upper Town, St. Mark's Church with its multicolored tile roof, the baroque church of St. Catherine, St. Stephen's Cathedral, and the Parliament with the Government Palace. In the Lower City, stretching around the main square with statue of Ban Jelačić, we will see the 19th century National Theater, Museum of Arts & Crafts, the University, and beautiful Zrinjevac Park with numerous elaborate Secession (Art Nouveau) buildings. Afternoon free by your own.
Dinner and overnight in Zagreb
Day 07: Zagreb – Postojna Cave – Ljubljana (250km – 4hrs)
Breakfast at the hotel and depart to Postojna Cave, a beautiful underworld experience. Upon arrival, time for some refreshments and start the tour for 1.5h, with the train on a 4 kilometer long journey into the underground world, which offers a unique experience. The train will first take you through two tunnels, after which the tunnels will repeatedly extend, where you will be able to see a number of underground halls. At this point of the tour you will see the famous concert hall. While driving on the train you will also see some beautiful cave formations, including the famous Curtain. The first part of a cave tour ends. When the train journey ends in the Hall of pillars, you will explore the rest of the cave by foot. Cave guides will then take you to the Velika Gora cavern, from where you will get an exceptional view on the Magic Garden, Russian tunnel and on the area of Lepe Jame. Then, you will then cross the Russian bridge and enter the Lepe Jame area, where you will get to see Brilijant, the famous dripstone pillar. From here, the tour trail extends, and you will soon arrive to the pool, where the Olm, human fish lives. From here you will go down the hill to the train platform, from where the train takes you back to the surface. Lunch at a local restaurant and continue the jorney to Ljubljana.
Dinner and overnight in Ljubljana
Day 08: Ljubljana – Bled – Ljubljana (100km – 2hrs)
Have breakfast then drive through the countryside for Bled (1 hour). This Alpine lake with the only island in Slovenia, has attracted visitors for centuries with its natural beauty. Catch a ride on a traditional wooden pletna boat and float across the lake to Bled Island. After landing, we’ll climb 99 stone steps to reach the Assumption of Mary Church. Enjoy time to independently explore the Church. When we return from the island, make our way to Bled Castle and visit the museum. Enjoy the views of the lake and snap pictures from the clifftop. Drive back to Ljubljana and start with the walking tour of the old town. Slovenia, wedged between Austria and Italy, has always been proud of its unique heritage. The capital, Ljubljana, is a perfect example of this blend of German, Mediterranean, and Slovenian culture. The old town is a blend of Baroque, Renaissance, and Art Nouveau buildings, watched over by a medieval castle. A visit will be paid to the picturesque Central open-air Market, Baroque Town Hall, the Triple Bridge, Robba's Fountain and the Parliament building. You cannot afford to miss the Dragon Bridge, which appears in the most recognizable images of Ljubljana
Dinner and overnight in Ljubljana
Day 09: Ljubljana – Airport (30km – 1h)
Breakfast and check out of the hotel. Free time until your departure to the Airport.
Transfer to Airport
Actvities & Entraces Fee:
Visit UNESCO World Heritage Sites: Mostar Bridge, Diocletian Palace, Plitvice National Park
Discover historical & natural sites, towns, monuments and museums: Tunnel of Life; Old town of Sarajevo; Old town of Mostar;Postojna Cave; Bled Castle; Zagreb Castle and Old town of Ljubljana
Journey – ferry boat through the beautiful Plitvice Lakes
Testing of delicious food in each Balkan Country
OPTIONAL- Cable car – Ljubljana Castle; Zagreb
“Albtours “D” Vas Tour Operatore”, ju informon se, me qëllim për t’ju ofruar një shërbim sa më të mirë dhe përgjigje të shpejtë ndaj kërkesave tuaja, në platformën onlinë në faqet tona të internetit, kërkohet që klientët apo përdoruesit të japin disa të dhëna personale në formen e aplikimit online për të proceduar me rezervimin online.
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Të dhënat tuaja grumbullohen, përpunohen dhe ruhen nga Albtours D në përputhje të plotë me parashikimet e ligjit nr. 9887 datë 10.03.2008 “Për Mbrojtjen e të Dhënave Personale”. Këto veprime do të kryhen sipas parimit të respektimit dhe garantimit të të drejtave dhe lirive themelore të njeriut dhe në veçanti të drejtës së ruajtjes së jetës private.
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Mbështetur në Ligjin nr. 9887, datë 10.03.2008 “Për mbrojtjen e të dhënave personale në Republikën e Shqipërisë”, “Albtours “D” Vas Tour Operatore” deklaron si me poshtë:
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3. Deklarate mbi privatesine
3.1. “Albtours “D” Vas Tour Operatore” respekton rëndësinë e privatësisë së klientëve të saj. Kjo deklaratë përcakton bazën mbi të cilën mblidhen dhe përpunohen të dhënat e çdo klienti. “Albtours “D” Vas Tour Operatore” siguron çdo klient se të dhënat që mbërrijnë në backoffice apo që klienti nënshkruan personalisht në zyrë, janë të siguruara me anë të një sistemi të sigurtë dhe këto të dhëna përdoren vetëm për efekt të garantimit të rezervimit të klientit. Këto të dhëna administrohen nga persona të caktuar dhe me akses të kufizuar në to. Cdo agjent shitje i kompanisë i cili mbledh të dhëna për klientët, ka një detyrim kontraktual me kompaninë për respektimin e të dhënave personale që grumbullon gjatë punës së tij si dhe respekton disa rregulla të mirëpërcaktuara për kujdesin në mbrojtjen e të dhënave personale.
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“Albtours “D” Vas Tour Operatore” përdor një teknologji bashkëkohore për të mbrojtur sigurinë dhe konfidencialitetin e të dhënave të klientëve, si dhe për të ndaluar aksesin në sistemin elektronik nga ana e personave të paautorizuar. Procedurat tona të sigurisë përmirësohen vazhdimisht me teknologji të reja. Ambjenti ku ruhen serverat dhe pajisje të tjera, survejohen me kamera dhe mund të aksesohen vetëm nga Administratori dhe Drejtori i Teknologjisë së Informacionit.
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4.2. “Albtours “D” Vas Tour Operatore” në bazë të kontratave dhe marrëveshjeve që ka me furnitorë globalë, do të transferojë në database të tyre të dhënat e klientëve, të cilët rezervojnë nëpërmjet faqeve online të kompanisë. “Albtours “D” Vas Tour Operatore” garanton ruajtjen e të dhënave personale të klientëve të saj sipas standarteve ndërkombëtare, të shprehura qartë në marrëveshjet e nënshkruara me këta furnitorë.
4.3. Të gjitha të dhënat e mbledhura nga agjencia do të ruhen në serverat e sigurtë të “Albtours “D” Vas Tour Operatore”.
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4.5. Të dhënat e mbledhura nga agjencia mund të përdoren për të informuar klientët mbi ofertat e ndryshme të agjencisë.
5. Anullimi i perpunimit te te dhenave
Klienti ka të drejtë të kërkojë nga agjencia të njihet me informacionin që mund të jëtë mbledhur për të dhe më pas të mos përpunojë të dhënat personale për qëllime marketingu apo arsye të ndryshme me anë të e-mail ose një kërkese drejtuar kompanisë në adresën e kontaktit.
6. Pelqimi mbi mbrojtjen e te dhenave personale
Duke vazhduar përdorimin e faqeve të internetit të “Albtours “D” Vas Tour Operatore”, klienti jep pëlqimin e tij mbi mbledhjen dhe përpunimin e të dhënave nga ana e agjencisë. Të dhënat personale do të ruhen për aq kohë sa ç’është e nevojshme sipas qëllimit kryesor të mbledhjes së tyre. Afatet e ruajtjes së të dhënave do të jenë në përputhje të plotë me kuadrin ligjor në fuqi. Të dhënat e klienteve ruhen për aq sa është e nevojshme për të garantuar ofrimin e shërbimit. Nese keni pyetje, verejtje, kerkesa apo ankesa ne lidhje me perdorimin e ketyre te dhenave nga ana e “Albtours “D” Vas Tour Operatore”, atehere lutemi te na drejtoheni me shkrim në adresen e mëposhtme:
Personi Përgjegjes për Privatesinë: “Albtours “D” Vas Tour Operatore”, Rr.”Ibrahim Rugova”, Nd.28, H.8, Tiranë, Shqipëri